Tuesday 5 January 2016

Adventures on DOM: Derping Around...

So yeah, things have been pretty good. Most of my guild members are going for rebirth and most of them are around 70-80. Safe to say, all of them are bored of Magma and Anolians and want an adventure :P
I have been going around killing random stuff and making new friends :D

  • After the party with Chihiro, I found out I could solo Raydrics. Tried a few but no drops :(

  • Someone was trying to organize a party for Christmas Event and I signed up for it. It involved killing an Orc Hero.
    The whole party was just a big mess. The Priest didn't want to heal/res, the Hunters were using Fire Arrows on Hero and the rougues were luring it in random directions. Somehow, we managed to kill it and I was pretty angry by the end of it.
    The headgear is really weird and I looked like a Turkish Ice-cream guy. Yep. its gonna be in my storage forever.

  • Yggs was looking for a party and I asked him to come to Turtle Dungeon. It was going pretty good with few brain-fart moments where he would Kyrie the turtles xD. However, he just went away after 10 mins. I guess he was looking for high exp party :(

  • I tried going back to Ninetails but 2 snipers were mobbing the whole map and I couldn't get a decent kill rate :(

  • I have been hunting Vagabond Wolf a lot to make a Cowboy Hat. Took me around 10-15 to get it :D

  • Ahh the best part of the day....
    First, let me introduce Kiri. She read my blog and really liked it. She pmed me a few days back and asked for guild invite to play with us. Deri invited her into the guild and she was a fun girl to hang around with.
    Me, Kiri and Deri were sitting in town and had an idea to go kill some Aco and Mages in Bio2 (ok it was just my idea :P). So we made and party and went there. The plan was to use Deri as bait while Kiri uses lex and I kill with SBK. Everything was going ok until a Gemini showed up :P. It was quite fun and hilarious to watch Deri running for his life while we were getting rekt from the other mobs. We lasted till Round 4 until Purp joined us and wiped the party :(

  • Chihiro turned 99 yay!

  • I went to Rays with Ultimus. It was way easier with Asu and he was really good at playing HP. We didn't get any cards though :(

  • We tried doing Dracula and Drake. Dracula was a bit messed up as I was too lazy to get on a mic. We killed Drake with few fail moments :P

  • I was helping Kiri get a Crunch Toast and bling...a Cloud-Hermit Card.

  • le Cowboy Hat

Heh, I had pretty fun with my friends in the past few days. I hope the good times continue...



  1. Hello, is so nice to see a living blog nowdays, and even more better for a Ragnarok blog, i remember reading one about a guy who play sakray and recorded the moments of pre-renewal to renewal and how it was a mess and free stats resets for one week.

    Really, i would enjoy alot the experience of playing with such a nice person, plus a see you from the blacksmith main guide on DoM forum. Very nice guide endeed, and the blog, it is much as better, funny thing i was toughin of making the same things, a guide for starters, a blog about my Ragnarok online experience and such, i guess writing helps kinda ALOT, really, i just love you already from reading the first page XD

    I must ask you to contact me ingame and maybe we could party, chat, any stuff, if you have a open guild recruiting, i would love participating on it.

    Right now the 1k player on issue is making pretty hard to keep up, i mean, i went on from yesterday till today (im from Brazil time), and i could get a aco and archer to level 62 just 3 and 2 job levels to 50 and job change, planning on making a bard and a priest (love suppoters and love partys yay !!!), and would be love to make a crusader guide maybe letter (mercenary guides are nice also, the tip for archer or spear mecenary leveling trick for low levels), and if you need, listen carefully:

    I would make a cobaia for you in writing new guides and such, like i said, (don't remember anymore if writed it XD), i would like to make a main crusader for the rest of time. Maybe you could help me or tip me about making one if you have this knowldge (i do have, but like i said, guide, your blog, companion, just <3 all this), and that's it, since i started for like... 8 hours in this game and cound't log in again, that's all i have.

    Sorry to make this text looong and boring, but, i really liked your work, and would really like to play with someone nice like you seems to (may you aren't and i leave you after 10 minutes)

    If ever thinking in making a new level 1 charcter, give a call if you want, i can make a killer, a supporter, anything watever you need,(i have the oportunity of both dancers and bards), whatever you like or need.

    Ok, sorry again for all this wall text, just hope i can catch you ingame, (and to log in at all :P)

    My name in game is Bluebard and RedPriest (only those two for now), and pretty much will follow this Blue and Red things on name (RedCrusader and BlueSage, wait for me).

    Ok,. now that's it, thanks for your blog and guide work, loved it, bye


    1. *feeling guilty for common english mistakes in 3,2,1... oh darn /swt*

    2. Thank you for those kind words. I am currently playing with Legit Business in DoM. Just pm Derisorte or meet us in Hugel if you wanna join us :D

  2. i love playing ragnarok. here's a nostalgic memory of ragnarok http://www.alltimehobbies.com/remembering-ragnarok/ . There's also a link to a new private server ragnarok
