Thursday 25 December 2014

Day 5 - More Argiopes

Today I have just been farming Argiopes to get my Blacksmith to 85. I haven't been playing too much of RO today since its post Christmas. Anyways today's events are as follows:

  • Hunting Porings for the Xmas gift box.

  • Slaying Argiopes.

  • My guild is growing.

  • My picky is loyal!!!

  • Finally 85. I can use my berserk potions now.

At the end of the day, I managed to get 2 Boots[1] and an Argiope Card. Hope things get interesting tomorrow.



  1. Hi! Can u write me?
    got some questions about RO

  2. Hello, nice blog by the way. If by any chance you see tim0n, can you pass these words for me? "Tim0n, how have you been? You dick, at least say goodbye when you're going someplace else, it makes me worry you know. By the way, Cherry has quit and I've been going off from RO. It took me a while to trace you ( yeah I know I'm a stalker *full strips* ) but Lutie seemed lonely without the other gaylord. And of course Hebe misses you like hell as do I. Oh and I have almost surpassed your wiboi on bio 3 .. I've met tons of pro people after you and Werek went missing. I've been learning a lot and when you come back, you won't have to do all those heavy jobs (if ever you do :P)... Anyway, take care."

    From the other gaylord,


    PS. CK price is going shit in the server lol. It's sad that we hoarded so much and never sold any.

    Thanks in advance Coco.
