Wednesday 13 September 2017

LumiaRO - Bits and Pieces...and the Lies

I have just been derping around Prontera and casually hunting with my Sage

  • A bit of hunting with my Sage. Even the munaks know that I am 'forever alone'

  • Partying with random people.

  • Tried doing Abyss 2 and I rage quit XD

  • Winning some events. Kiri got so pro that he got banned from participating :P

The thing that is annoying me the most is the fake counter on the website. There is no way the server has ~180 players. I am completely fine if the server has low amount of players, but don't assume the player base is a bunch of morons and try to cheat them. Oh, and the guy who invited me to this server quit the 2nd day i think =.=

Anyways, I will continue to play with Kiri and hang out on my priest since there are no good low-rate servers around at this moment.
