Sunday 8 October 2017

Coco's Assassin Leveling Guide (Sonic-Blow)

Welcome to another Assassin Leveling Guide. This time I will focus on Sonic Blow. It is also one of my favorite methods to get my Assassin to 99.

Notes on this guide:
  1. This is a basic guide for beginners.
  2. It is intended to level your Assassin on a new server without any zeny requirements.
  3. The guide is best used in servers with a free Healer. However, it can be used on severs without a healer(use inn).
  4. The areas specified are just guidelines. You can mix them or stay at the same map if you think the exp is appreciable.
  5. All the screen-shots are from RMS test server. 
  6. This guide was created in haste. Please don't mind the errors if you find any.
  7. Please respect the CC rights and mention the source if you are re-posting the guide elsewhere.

Creating your characters

Start of by making your Assassin, Priest, Linker and a Sage. You will definitely require a sage for Endows. Going all the way to a priest is a personal choice. You can stop leveling an Acolyte once he has Agi 10, Bless 10 and Warp-Portal 4.

Job 1-10

Once you have changed all your chars to 1st job, take your mage to Geffen and use this trick to get job 10 easily.

Base 15-45

Head to lhz_fild01 or ein_fild07 and kill Metalling using Firebolt.

Base 45-60

Do the Lost Puppies Quest and Brasilis Dungeon Entrance Quest. This should get you to Base 60. If you do not have Brasilis episode on your server, continue with Metalings on ein_fild07.

Job 40

Finish off the last few job levels at Geographers.

First few levels after job change

Continue at Geographers or Drosera until the Sage has maxed all the endows. Once your Sage has all the endows, you can switch to playing your Assassin.


The first step is to get Sonic Acceleration. Follow the steps in this link.

You will always be using triple client, since you need the link for your Assassin.

One really important note on playing a Sonic-Blow Assassin is that you can kill a mob and fly wing without taking any damage(even if the mob hits you). You just have to use your flywing instantly after using Sonic Blow.

This technique will be really helpful if you are planning on using Sonic-Blow with EDP as a SinX.

Your stats and skills should look like the following:

With the above stats, you will have really good damage but no flee. Start putting stat points into Agi until you feel comfortable with the mobs. Try to balance out your int to avoid very frequent Inn usage.

Base 55-65
Since your Agi is very very low, you have to find good non-aggro mobs which gives you awesome exp. The answer is Siroma. Low HP, good exp, non-aggro and good card.

Base 70-85
Once you hit ~70, you will have enough flee to survive Dryads. Head to Umbala Field-1 and take the repeatable quest to kill Dryads. You can sell or use the sharp leafs on yourself to get to 85.

Base 85-99
The concept here is to find a mob with ~6-15k HP which you can 1-hit with Sonic-Blow using endows. Here are the list of mobs which I think are best for leveling your sin.
  • Ninetails
  • Alligator
  • DragonTail
  • Kaho
  • Seal
  • Hill Wind
  • Penomena
  • Remover
  • High Orc
  • Minorous
  • Pitman
  • All mobs in Bio2
Take a pick depending on the items needed and get your Assassin to 99.


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